I'm currently in Iraq. It's only a short trip this time but it has been a long time since I've been here and it is interesting to see how things have changed. Some people may remember at the beginning of the war there was a great deal of discussion about body armor and who had it and who didn't have it, there was a great deal of political clout thrown about and in some cases Soldiers bought their own body armor when the Army didn't supply it for them. Well, that has now changed. EVERYONE has body armor. There are several different types but you just don't move around the country without it on.

One of the challenges with it becomes where do you store your armor when you're not wearing it. You want to have it close and you want to be able to access it when you need it but you don't want to wear it all the time, it's very heavy, and you don't want to just pile it in a corner. As a result there are racks built for it. They are usually made out of some 4x4 and 2x4 lumber and are in the shape of a small cross with a base, you can place the armor on the rack and your helmet on top of the rack giving you a safe place to store it. However, on the rack it does NOTHING to protect the owner.

What a beautiful image. The armor of God is given to us through the work of Christ on the cross. However, the armor does us very little actual good when we need to be protected if it is just hanging there. In order to be protected we need to put on the full armor of God and be well able to stand the one who would fling his attacks against us

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