
My wife has been asked to share her testimony with a women's group from the church. She was asked several months ago and this is the weekend that she'll be doing that. She is the kind of person that writes stuff like that out so that she remembers all of what she wants to say. The other night she asked me to listen as she read what she wrote.

As she recounted a story that after nearly 20 years of marriage, is pretty familiar to me, a story of parents who would rather drink than parent, of violence and anger--her mother attempting suicide etc. I was once again reminded of how God has always provided people who love her and cared for her. I am so thankful for many people that I've never met and won't this side of heaven. They enabled a young girl to experience God's love through them and to discover His love for her.

Time and time again throughout the years that we've been together we've seen God use the pain and suffering in her life to enable her to speak to others in pain. She would tell you it wasn't that bad and since she lived it she felt like it was pretty normal. Writing it and then reading it she sees God's hand woven throughout her life guiding and leading and protecting even in difficult times and allowing her to learn to minister to others that are hurting.

Paul wrote to the church in Corinth "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God."

God allows things to happen to us that don't seem to make sense but He also sustains us through those things and then they become tools in His toolbox as others need help.

May you comfort someone with His love today


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